Task 14 - Poster Planning
This is a draft of a poster for the album, advertising the song as a single. It features the actor in the centre of poster, at Kings Weston House where the video is being filmed. The name of the song is in bold lettering at the top of the poster, drawing the viewers' eyes to it, and underneath that the artist's name. Overlaid on top of the image is a psychedelic effect relevant to the song's genre (actually a bath-bomb, a prop I shall be using in my video). The interesting colours using on the poster will make it stand out, and draw the viewer to it. In the final version I will include various marketing details, such as release date, and where you can listen to it (Spotify, etc.) or where you can pick it up physically (HMV, other stores). It will also show the formats available (digital download, CD and vinyl).